
Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I had quite the late-night tear-fest last night that now in retrospect I can laugh at, so I figured I'd share.  Let me start by saying I got 4 hours of sleep on Saturday night due to celebrating a friend's birthday - good times indeed, but I had a lot to do on Sunday and no time for a nap!  Sunday night I got the usual 7-ish hours, but clearly this is not going to help my situation Monday night....

So fast forward to Monday night, around 10:45pm.  I am delivering 4 or 5 large bags of bread from Panera to my church building as I have been doing every Monday for several months now.  It's actually my last time doing this because on Sunday the 29th, my fellow church-planters and I are being officially commissioned off to Quincy, which means no more involvement in the Arlington church.  So, I go to leave thinking how I'll miss this place and...the door won't lock.  What?  How is this possible?!?  It's late, I'm exhausted, and I just want to go home!  What do I do?  I need to call someone to help, but the pastor who runs this bread ministry lives about an hour away (plus it's late and I feel bad about potentially waking him up) I text him to see if he knows what I should do.  No answer.  Crud!

Now it's 11pm and I'm starting to panic.  My next thought is to pray a quick "Help me!", and then I think to call my friend from small group, Carmen.  She's great and suggests I call a couple other of which doesn't answer his phone, the other of which I don't have a number for.  OH NO!  Am I going to have to sleep inside the church to make sure nothing gets stolen?  Then I get a text from one of the pastors saying he's not in town, but that I should call a different with whom I have no relationship and who actually scares me a little with his seemingly-serious nature.  AHHH!  So what can I do but call him - the second he answers, I just break down crying.  WHAT IS GOING ON WITH ME?!?  I'm trying to get out the words, and I have to say, he was nothing but kind and gentle.  :)  I however still couldn't stop crying, so he asked if anything was wrong ("no, I'm just being overly dramatic because I am running on empty!" I later realized), and finally I managed to tell him about the non-locking door.  'No problem,' he says 'don't worry about it at all.'  So I promptly left, still bawling in my car all the ride home.  :)  I'm sure I was quite the sight.

Ah, feeling so much better this evening - think I'll get to bed now so this doesn't happen again!

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