
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The Whole30/Miracle Morning craziness

Hello all of you random people who somehow still manage to read my very sporadic blog posts!

My crazy friend told me that she was looking for an accountability partner to do something hard and fun and good for us and crazy.  It's called The Miracle Morning (I think I'm supposed to put a copyright sign next to that or something....) and she was right about it all:  
  • It's hard to wake up early.  Well, actually, today was Day 2 and it wasn't so bad.  I got so much done in the first hour of my day (prayer, coffee, journaling, affirming my awesomeness, visualizing my future awesomeness, RUNNING!), and then felt pretty great all day.
  • It's fun!  Well, maybe fun is the wrong word.  It definitely takes discipline, which I have in spades.  And I love following rules and lists and schedules...okay, maybe there is a part of me that would call this fun.
  • It's good for us.  This part has got to be true.  Just making a solid 10 minutes to pray first thing in the morning is great.  It helps me focus on what's really important, and that's definitely good.  Also, coffee is totally allowed, and that's not only good for me but for everyone I come into contact with before noon.
  • It's crazy.  Yes.  I started reading the book and felt like I was being talked into another cult (cue Whole30 discussion).  But it's good crazy.  I think.
Meanwhile, I'm doing Whole30 number THREE!  How did I become so crazy?!?  Seriously though, I drank that Kool-aid hard.  I LOVE how I feel when I'm just eating the good stuff.  I even buy organic, grass-fed, petted by children probably, beef.  SO GOOD.  You should see my breakfast - homemade pork sausage patties, avocado, fried eggs, sweet potato.  It's making my hungry just thinking about it.  Did I mention coffee is allowed?  Perfect breakfast right there.